Monday, March 28, 2011

#Dome 2

For the 3rd time,i'm still trying to build my DIY dome..I read again the requirements and instructions then i decided to cut the sticks into 3 different lengths..I just thought that the person in the web use ready-made different sizes of sticks,but i was wrong..Haven't thought about that at the first place..I'm just blur..

After cutting some sticks,i put them in 3 different bottles and labeled the bottles with S (6 1/2 inches),M (7 1/2 inches) and L (7 3/4 inches)..And since i've wasted some masking tape for the previous unstable dome,i bought a new one..

This time,i really follow the instructions shown in this website..DIY DOME.

I get stuck for a few hours until i figure out the right composition to create a stable dome.So here are the pictures of my unfinished stable dome.. :D

Will continue with this later.And maybe i'll try to use straws after this,just wanna try.

** I think i'll end up using a real umbrella.. T____T



  1. ok ah tu, kukuh ka? nanti cover dengan apa?

  2. kukuh tak brp nak kukuh sgt,tp boleh la..saje try2 dulu..hehehe..nk cover either dgn kain yg ringan2 or kertas yg nipis mcm tracing paper tu..
