Monday, December 27, 2010

#Arduino 1

This is my first attempt to install arduino into my laptop,and the result is as shown below..

Never give up,keep on trying! T_____T



Saturday, December 25, 2010

From zero to one..

I've borrowed the arduino board from Mr.KY,the sensors,the cable,LED,all the colorful wires and so on,just to try it out by myself.But,i'm noob with all these things.I just can keep on staring at all those things without doing anything for few hours,i'm totally have zero knowledge about arduino and all the technical things that have to do with arduino.

I have no idea what to do with all these things.
This is the most scariest thing on Earth.
Colorful wires are just like rainbow after the rain.And there's no sensor that can detect pressure.. :(

I'm talking crap here,i better look for more tutorial on how to use these things.Thanks to


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Class Exercise

Done the in-class exercise that has been conducted by Mr.KY during DM class,an exercise about our FYP's content..What's the content of our FYP..Let see mine..


Friday, December 10, 2010

Another survey and interview

During the mid-trimester breaks,i went back to my hometown.So i managed to meet some people to do the interviews.My interview scope is to interview people who're working in medical or health industry.My project is more to sound,so i went to a few spa to interview the people there,who've been working and dealing with spa treatment (water + sound therapy) for a few years.

Then i interviewed another people besides people who're working at the spa, which are people who's selling/dealing with health products,something like that (they have some knowledge about therapy and that kind of stuff).I did ask them a few questions and also distribute the survey questions for them to answer.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sound recording and editing

I guess for the recording part,i'll try to borrow a recorder from the technician at FCM.That was the same recorder that me and my groupmates have used during our Sound Design class.If i can't get the recorder,maybe i'll use the dslr camera that can capture video to record the sound.Natural sound from my surrounding will be recorded later (eg: waterfall sound,beach,river and etc).

And for the sound editing part,i might use WavePad to edit the sound because i'm quite familiar with the tools in that software.I've tried it before,and it's not that hard to edit sound using that software.


Survey results

After a few hours "spamming" this survey on YM,Twitter,Facebook and Tumblr,the results show that 35 people have answered my survey.Thanks! :D

Let me summarize the survey,but for a few questions only,not for all the survey questions.

No.5 Most people don't know what is Water Therapy.So by doing my FYP project,i need to make it meaningful so that people will know what is Water Therapy is all about.

No.6 Some people never tried Water Therapy,so they don't know how does it works.

No.7 Everyone wants to experience Water Therapy.This is a good starts for me to make it real.

No.8 Based on the result,most of them want to have the experience doing Water Therapy treatment with sound and visual to help them stay focus during the treatment.I think i've changed my mind now,i guess i'll just stick to Water Therapy with sound only! :D

No.9 The don't know that everyday in their life,they have experienced Water Therapy in some simple ways.

No.10 Most of them believe that Water Therapy is a good way to cure a few diseases.So this treatment should be commercialized.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Water and sound.

For the past few days,i did some research about water and sound,sound therapy,water therapy with sound and so on.And i did found some videos that make connection between water and sound.

This project has been created by Boris Van Luger.For this project,he listens to all the parts of each sequence prior to translate them to the instruments.What makes me interested with his project is because he's translating natural sound to the instruments.For my project,i want to use natural sound also.

You can view all the videos created by him HERE.

This person creates a project by using light sensors to detect the change in light and produce sound from the water ripples.

"When water makes a ripple it acts as a magnifying glass and makes some areas brighter than others. Phototransistors which are light sensors detect this change in light. An arduino or microcontroller receives the inputs from the sensors and sends them as midi events to a computer. A midi sequencer or a program that reads midi notes like from a midi keyboard then plays these notes accordingly."

This is the link that this person give to create a similar project by our own.CLICK HERE.


Survey about water therapy.

I did a survey about Water Therapy so that i can collect some responses from the public,and continue with my research.This is the link to my survey.


Children water therapy program

When i was "Googling" some information about water therapy on Google,i've came across this article by FLORIDATODAY.COM.

Teen raises money for children's water therapy program at Ocean Breeze Elementary

Kaitlyn Hoskovec's goal for her senior project at West Shore Jr./Sr. High was to raise $500 for water therapy in the special needs programs at Ocean Breeze Elementary.

Kaitlyn decided to hold a swim-a-thon at the Indian Harbour Beach pool, where she has been a lifeguard and swim instructor for the past two years and where she started swimming competitively at age 5.

Her swim-a-thon raised $1,500, triple her goal. She presented a check on Oct. 15 to school Principal Laurie Hering.

The school plans to use the money to buy a Hoyer Lift, which will assist staff in transferring disabled children from a wheelchair into the pool where the student will receive specialized water therapy.

"I just wanted to give back to the community by benefiting those special needs children with something that I have enjoyed all my life," referring to swimming, Kaitlyn said.

Her proud dad, Bill Haskovec, said that Kaitlyn, who has a 4.0 grade point average, "researched the programs in which water therapy has assisted children with special needs into developing their muscles, coordination and social skills. Children with autism, spinal injuries and cerebral palsy have beneficial results from non-stressful low-impact water exercise. "

Kaitlyn attended Gemini Elementary in Melbourne Beach and lived beachside with her family until a year ago when they moved to Melbourne.

Read the original article HERE.

I asked myself,"do our country,Malaysia,have this kind of program???"
